Xcode 4.1 getlineでmallocエラーが起きる問題

ラボのマックにインストールされていたXcode 4.1でC++のコードをコンパイルして走らせてみると、

malloc: *** error for object xxxxxxxx: pointer being freed was not allocated error

でもコードに問題はなさそうで頭抱えた末に調べてみたら、何だい、Xcode 4.1のバグなのかい^^;

The solution is to double-click on the target to open its Info window, go to the Build tab, and scroll down to the "GCC 4.2 - Preprocessing" section. In this section is a setting named "Preprocessor Macros" that by default has two entries, "_GLIBCXX_DEBUG=1" and "_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDANTIC=1". Remove these entries.

