霊長類行動学9. 母子関係
The Primate Mother-Infant Bond
Relationship is of mutual benefit
- benefit for children
- Mother provides energy food (milk) until weaning age
- Most カロリー comes from his/her mother
- Mother provides movement (carrying around)
- Mother provides protection (monitoring, restricting movement)
- potential learning
- Infant needs maternal contact for normal psychological development
- (Harlow's experiments)
- 3 conditions: wire mother with food, 暖かいmother without food, with food
- if they are scared, then go to 温かいmother regardless the food
- Bonobo pulls all hair out when stressed out..
- (Harlow's experiments)
- Mother provides energy food (milk) until weaning age
- benefit for the mother
- Infant is mother's reproductive outlet
Variation in relationships among species
- Taxonomic distinctions
- Particular distinctions between gregarious, nongregarious, and polyandrous species.
- orangutans: mother is solitary with infant.
- Infant stays with mother in travel and foraging
- Juvenile and adolescent may stay with mother longer.
- Callitrichids (Tamarinとか): infants cared for by resident males and siblings
- Infants stay in group following weaning
- Mortality of infants linked to care given by siblings and fathers, as well as mothers.
- Gregarious species
- orangutans: mother is solitary with infant.
- Mother and infant break bond
- Weaning involves interaction between maternal and infant effort to maintain bond
- Mother initially possessive and protective of infant
- Infant stays close to mother
- Infant uses mother as a base to explore world
- Infant begins to wander from mother more as time goes on
- Infant begins to incorporate natural food progressively more and more, but still suckles
- Mother will begin to reject infant attempts to suckle
- Infant will cry, throw tantrums, get mother to concede
- Eventually mother cuts off infant from suckling.
- Whenever mother thinks cost for giving care to children go over the benefit, they try to stop children
- Reason why children do not wean by themselves: they can take advantage of free foods under the care.
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7934998.stm
- Many gregarious primates show allomothering, or contact and care of infants by others
- Allomothring is substitute mothering, but not the same bond
- Allomothers will take and hold infant, sometimes protect and carry
- Allomothers tend to be young (never reproduced), nulliparous, adult females
- Older multiparous females show little interest in allomothering
- infants sometimes have bright color like white or yellow, so that they can draw more attention.
- Highly variable behavior among species - demonstrated in
- Lemur catta, Colobus polykomos, Cercopithecus aethiops, Erythrocebus patas, Macaca fuscata, M. mulatta, Papio. sp., Cebus, Saimiri, Theropithecus, Alouatta, Gorilla, Pan.
- reason for practice is unclear (various hypothesises)
- Reduction of mom's time and effort.
- Practice for new mothers
- supported by observation that young females do it.
- Inexperienced mothers make bad mothers
- Status of allomother
- Females prefer to handle high-ranking female's infants
- May help young mothers integrate in social structure
- Helps mother
- Insurance policy if mother dies
- Little evidence
- Kin selected help for mother infant
- Predicts that closely related individuals will be allomothers
- Evidence is weak within groups-everydbody does it
- Allomothering should be weak in non-female bonded species-weak evidence against it (e.g., Alouatta)
- None of the above are mutually exclusive.
- Sometimes allomothering is lethal
- Allomother refuses to give up infant
- Allomother neglects infant (drops, sits on, throw, twists, etc.)
- Implies cost to allomother, implying a benefit
- Occasionally orphans are adopted by siblings or other adults
- Rare
- Sisters will assume maternal role for older offspring
- Sometimes other mothers abuse infants
- usually associated with assertion of dominance, harassment.
Persistence of mother-offspring bond
- Mother-infant bond can persist, even in non-gregarious species
- Galagos adult female offspring will stay in or near mother's territory, effectively dividing it up, until new territory opens
- Involves cost to mother in sharing resources
- Help with contest competition between groups, but scramble competition among offspring.
- Galagos adult female offspring will stay in or near mother's territory, effectively dividing it up, until new territory opens
- Pongo, Pan: offspring associate closely with mother after weaning.
- Often maintain ties into adulthood mutual support and association
- Polyandrous species: offspring stay with parent and assist in rasing offspring until replace parent or leave
- Kin selected altruism
- Ultimate allomothering
- Female-bonede species
- Where females stay in troop, will often provide mutual assistance and support
- Take on female rank in troop.