霊長類行動学14. メスの交配パターン
female mating patterns
- initiated by females
- signaling & solicitation
- promiscuous v. pairs
- mating period can be restricted based on either they have
- seasonality, annual cycle
- aseasonal -- any time of year
- intensive case, only 2 weeks of mating season
- usually 2 months
- the birth peak correlates with rainy season
- the rainy season determines availability of resource at the birth season.
- mating and cycling (発情周期) correlate with ovulation (排卵)
- some species like Lemur exhibit ovarian synchronicity so that all of the adult females in a forest are in estrus at roughly the same time.
- female becomes receptive to mating
- limited period but characterizes female status
- 1. Attractive - male is stimulated
- 2. Proceptive - female is willing to mate (but male solicits)
- 3. Receptive - female solicits and facilitates mating
- depending on species, female solicitation focus on specific male or any males.
- Orangutan females uses loud vocal signal to solicit males
- (side note)human cycle
- human females don't have estrus, but has a tendency to increase the solicitation during ovulation.
- mating ties to female cycle
- human female's cycle length = 25 - 35 days
- basic features of Menstrual Cycle
- 1. Follicular phase (卵胞期)
- egg matures in follicle
- increase in estrogen peaking in human
- about day 15
- 1. Follicular phase (卵胞期)
脳の視床下部は性腺刺激ホルモン放出ホルモンを分泌して脳下垂体を刺激します。これによって脳下垂体から二種類の性腺刺激ホルモンが分泌されます。 卵胞刺激(らんぽうしげき)ホルモンと黄体化(おうたいか)ホルモンです。これらのホルモンは血液にのって卵巣に届き、卵巣を刺激します。
- 2. high level of estrogen causes pituitary gland to secrete Luteinizing hormone (黄体形成ホルモン).
- that causes ovulation (排卵)
- 2. high level of estrogen causes pituitary gland to secrete Luteinizing hormone (黄体形成ホルモン).
- 3. Luteal phase (黄体期)
- follicle (卵胞) transforms into corpus luteum (黄体) that secretes Progesterone
- Progesterone causes endometrium (子宮内膜) -> elaborate
- failure of implantation; Progesterone falls, endometrium sheds.
- natural ovulation is suppressed by stimulation of nipple
- follicle (卵胞) transforms into corpus luteum (黄体) that secretes Progesterone
- 3. Luteal phase (黄体期)
mating while pregnant
- e.g.,
- Saguinus (Tamarin)
- Semnopithecus entellus
- when new male comes in
- Homo
- reasons
- associated with paternal confusion and male care.
- to avoid infanticide
female signalling
- olfactory
- Vaginal secretions
- males periodically check by sticking his finger in and taste
- Urine
- Vaginal secretions
- vocal
- rare - like orangutan
- Behavioral signal
- crouching
- presenting
- e.g., showing her bat to male
- tongue flicking
- lip smacking
- sex skins
- swelling of the perineum (会陰)
- usually multi-male species
- not all have it
- has evolved at least 4 times
- e.g.,
- at the beginning of the Follicular phase (peaks near ovulation), Tumescence (腫れ上がり) becomes max
- then, falls off rapidly afterwards
- why?
- 1. to look for best males?
- sex skin incites male competition
- but the signal is not honest, too loose, so this is not likely to be true
- 2. to mate with many males?
- skin obscures ovulation
- allows female to mate with many males, confusing paternity
- but then why 60% for only a short period of time? it can be like 10% for all the time.
- 3. paternity certainty
- Skin allows male to identify ovulation, assuring paternity.
- 短い期間に限定することで、親を確実に絞れるようにするため?
- No, because it's only 60% and if so, the period of all should be much smaller like Lemur
- 4. Combination
- assures paternity to dominant male, but confuses paternity by allowing mating with others.
- 1. to look for best males?
- why?
- female controlling mating in very precise way.