社会心理学11. Attraction and Close Relationships:魅力と密接な関係
Thrill of Affiliation and Agony of Loneliness
- need for affiliation:
- Desire to establish and maintain many rewarding interpersonal relationships
- loneliness:
- Feeling of deprivation about existing social relationships
- (triggered by discrepancy)
- なぜ人がneed for affiliationを持っているかというと、lonelinessが嫌だから。
Initial Attraction
- Familiarity: being there
- よく見かける人の方が自然と好感度が上がる。
- proximity effect (Propinquity effect):
- The finding that the more we see and interact with people, the more likely they are to become our friends. (SP 307)
- Single best predictor of whether 2 people will get together is physical proximity, or nearness
- 近くにいる人(同じ階に住んでる人など)の方が仲良くなる
- mere exposure effect:(単純接触効果)
- The finding that the more exposure we have to a stimulus, the more apt we are like it.
- Phenomenon whereby the more often people are exposed to a stimulus, the more positively the evaluate that stimulus
- 会えば会うほど好きになる。
- Physical Attractiveness: Getting Drawn In
- What is Beauty?
- Why are we blinded by beauty? (給料が良かったり、気に入られやすかったり)
- what-is-beautiful-is-good stereotype:
This effect relies on the assumption that physically attractive people are superior to others on many other traits, such as intelligence and overall personality (Eagly et al., 1991; Feingold, 1992; Jackson et al., 1995). This effect is extremely influential because people often rely on others for information.
- Belief that physically attractive individuals also possess desirable personality characteristics
- attractiveならば、人は自然とその人は親切であり、知的であり・・・などと勝手に連想する。
- First Encounters: Getting Acquainted
- Liking others who are similar:
- matching hypothesis: (マッチング原理)
Walster, E. et al., 1969
- Proposition that people are attracted to others who are similar in physical attractiveness
- Liking others who like us
- Pursuing those who are hard to get:
- hard-to-get effect:(手に入れづらい人を好きになる)
- Tendency to prefer people who are highly selective in their social choices over those who are more readily available
- Two-stage model of the attraction process.
- 全然自分と共通点がなさそうか、まだありそうか
- 共通の度合いが高いか低いか。
- もし高いようであれば、交流が続く。
Close relationship
- intimate relationship:
- Close relationship between two adults involving emotional attachment, fulfillment, of psychological needs, or interdependence
Intimate marketplace : tracking gains and losses.
- The idea that people's feelings about a relationship depend on their perceptions of the rewards and costs of the relationship, the kind of relationship they deserve, and their chances for having a better relationship with someone else. (SP 319)
- Perspective that views ppl as motivated to maximize benefits and minimize costs in their relationships with others
まず、成果が満足できるものかどうかが、個人に固有の基準である比較水準(comparison level)に照らして判断される。
代替関係の評価基準を選択的比較水準(comparison level for alternative)という。
- comparison level (比較水準):
- 今の関係に対して持っている自分の思い)
- People's expectations about the level of rewards and punishments they are likely to receive in a particular relationship.(SP 320)
- comparison level for alternative (選択的比較水準):
- 他との関係を考えた場合にどうであろうかという自分の思い)
- People's expectations about the level of rewards and punishments they would receive in an alternative relationship (SP 320).
- relational building block
- Rewards - Costs - comparison level = satisfaction
- satisfaction - comparison level for alternatives + investments = commitment
- equity theory:公平(衡平)理論 Adams, 1965
(1) 自己の投入を変える(努力量の増大、低下)
(2) 自己の結果を変える(報酬のカットや返却、昇給の要請)
(3) 自己の投入や結果を認知的に歪曲する
(4) 不快な比較を避け、その場を去る
(5) 比較他者の投入と結果の比を変える(他者に対し、より多くの、またはより少ない努力を要請する)
(6) 自己の投入と結果の比と等しい他者を比較の相手に選ぶ
- The idea that people are happiest with relationships in which the rewards an costs experienced and the contributions made by both parties are roughly equal. (SP 320)
- Theory that people are most satisfied with a relationship when the ratio btwn benefits and contributions is similar for both partners
Types of relationships
- exchange relationship: (相手がこれだけしてくれたから、自分もこれだけするという関係)
- relationships governed by the need for equity (i.e., for an equal ratio of rewards and costs (SP 334)
- relationship in which the participants expect and desire strict reciprocity in their interactions
- communal relationship:(相手が泣いていたため慰めたなど、一方的な物)
- relationships in which people's primary concern is being responsive to the other person's needs (SP 334)
- relationship in which the participants expect and desire mutual responsiveness to each other's needs.
Attachment Styles
- The expectations people develop about relationships with others, based on the relationship they had with their primary caregiver when they were infants. (SP 328)
- The way a person typically interact with significant others.
Ainsworth et al(1978)は実験を元にattachmentをsecure attachment, avoidant attachment とambivalent attachment の三つに分けた。secure attachmentは全体の70%に及ぶ幼児と保護者が形成するものであり、保護者と健全な関係を築いているものである。具体的には、 attachment関係にある保護者(以下、care giver)と離れ離れになるとネガティブな反応を示し、再会するとポジティブな反応を示すといったものである。反対にavoidant infants(全体の20%)は玩具など興味が引かれるものがあるとcare giverに対しても無関心な態度を示し、care giverとの離反や再会にもあまり関心を示さない。次にambivalent attachment(10%)である。これに属する幼児は、care giverとの離反に強い拒絶反応をしめす。しかし、care giverと再会したとき、逆に突き放すかのような態度をとる。この分類に加えMain and Cassidy (1988)はdisorganized attachmentを提唱する。これらの幼児たちは不可解、混乱、目的なき行動といった兆候が見られるという。
こういった幼児期に形成されたattachmentは後の人間関係に影響する、Mc Carthy(1999)は指摘する。Hazan and Shaver(1987)は新聞での恋愛クイズを用いて成人女性の幼児期のattachmentタイプと、現在の恋愛経験を調べた。その調査の結果、 secure attachmentを形成していたであろう女性は、比較的幸福で長期的な恋愛をしているが、残りのinsecure attachmentを形成していたであろう人たちは、関係を持続させるのが難しく、失敗が多いようであるということを調べた。
- 3 styles:
- secure attachment(66 %)
- An attachment style characterized by trust, a lack of concern with being abandoned, and the view that one is worthy and well liked. (SP 328)
- I find it relatively easy to get close to others and am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don't often worry about being abandoned or about someone getting too close to me.
- avoidant attachment (23 %)
- An attachment style characterized by a suppression of attachment needs, because attempts to be intimate have been rebuffed; people with this style find it difficult to develop intimate relationships.(SP 328)
- I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others; I find it difficult to trust them completely, difficult to allow myself to depend on them. I am nervous when anyone gets too close, and often, love partners want me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being.
- anxious attachment (21 %)
- An attachment style characterized by a concern that others will not reciprocate one's desire for intimacy, resulting in higher-than-average levels of anxiety.(SP 328)
- I find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like. I often worry that my partner doesn't really love me or won;t want to stay with me. I want to merge completely with another person, and this desire sometimes scares people away.
How do I love thee?
- triangular theory of love:
- theory proposing that love has 3 basic components- intimacy, passion, and commitment - which can be combined to produce eight subtypes
- Intimacy
- Emotional component, involving liking and feelings of closeness.
- 好意、親密でありたいという感情的要素。
- 付き合う期間が長くなるにつれ ゆっくりと強くなり、安定する。
- Passion
- Motivational component, which contains drives that trigger attraction, romance, and sexual desire.
- ロマンスや性的・身体的な繋がりを相手ともちたいという衝動を含む動機的要素。
- 付き合い始めに盛り上がり、習慣化作用のためしばらくすると弱くなり一定のレベルで安定する。
- Commitment
- Cognitive component, which reflects the decision to make a long-term commitment to a loved partner.
- 一緒にいたいという気持ち、愛しているという意識を含む認知的要素。
- 付き合う期間が長くなるにつれスピードを上げて強くなり、徐々に一定になる。
- intimacy: general 'like' feeling. (好愛タイプ)
- 親密性が強く、情熱とコミットメントが弱い。 好意を持っている状態。
- commitment: empty love. 子供がいるから別れていないだけみたいな。(虚愛タイプ)
- コミットメントは強いが、親密性と情熱が弱い。付き合いだけが長い、いわゆる「むなしい愛」と呼ばれるもの。
- passion: infatuation. 芸能人に恋することとか(心酔愛タイプ)
- 情熱が強く、親密性とコミットメントが弱い。一目惚れなど。
- intimacy + commitment: compassionate love. secure, stable, trusting relation. best friendとか(友愛タイプ)
- 親密性とコミットメントが強いが 情熱が弱い。
- commitment + passion: fatuous (愚かな、浅はかな) love. long-term friend with benefit etc. (愚愛タイプ)
- 情熱とコミットメントは強いが 親密性が弱い。いわゆる、「肉体関係」だけの愛。
- passion + intimacy: romantic love: Disney love story.(情愛タイプ)
- 親密性と情熱が強いが、コミットメントが弱い。ロマンティックだけど長続きしないことが多い。ハリウッドラブ(映画スター同士の恋愛、すぐに結婚してすぐに離婚する。)が 例。
- intimacy + commitment + passion: consummate love (完全愛)
- 3つの全ての要素が強く均一に含まれていて 理想的な「愛」の形。